
thanks for coming by!

Ever since I was a little scrimblo, I've always liked the idea of publishing a cool website. I barely felt like I was known to anyone but my family, and something always told me that this would get me out there. Now, my dreams have finally been realized. A place of my own, where I can express myself as freely as I see fit! I'm thankful for site hosting services like Neocities for allowing me to unleash my weird creativity ^-^

So, what should you expect in here? Think of it as a blog of miscellaneous matters. A diary for the forgettable aspects of life that makes me who I am. So it ranges from new things I learn, incidents that I am currently raging at, stuff I watched or a bird that came back to my house. If that sounds interesting, go ahead and bookmark this site! I might upload once or twice a month, but do come by and drop a message below to see how I am doing!


19/12/2024 to 16/01/2025

If you are revisiting this site, you may have noticed that all the former "blog posts", if I can even call them that anymore, have been erased. It is mostly due to how uneventful I view my life as. There possibly aren't that many interesting events that pop up daily to fill a post like that. So I've decided to just summarize days at a time till the amount of content per post is about five minutes (like this one) and is interesting.

On the 19th last month, I had a vision to finally make the site that I've always wished for. I'm still limited by my skill, but it is getting there, and I am satisfied. For now. Creating something and then making it public seemed to have given me confidence that I never could have gotten elsewhere. The personality tests I took the next day were fun too. I don't think that they taught me anything new, but I'll thank them for rephrasing the way I think of myself. Those are in the about me section of the site if you're interested.

I don't celebrate Christmas, but last year was a jolly one. Had fun with my family of two making sweet spicy chicken. At the breakfast attempt, it was cavity-causingly sweet, and for lunch's retry, it tasted like an entirely different dish. I just took a break soon after that, wished Puddy a happy birthday and bought stuff from every offer I could find. Yeah I am a savings girl, that happens when you earn for yourself. And dinner? PERFECT. As a side note, I also downloaded Playnite then because I had loads of free games scattered within Epic Games and Steam, and I would NEVER repeat a purchase even if it kills me. Also they have a neat library interface, so there's another advantage.

I can't stress this enough, but compared to two years back, I have SO MUCH more friends. I used to be an unknown guy, with no one who remembers me. The background assets for a family photo or a function. But NOW? I am very thankful for EACH and EVERY one of my friends and I'll never stop repaying their kindness.

I also recently got into Love2D. My only previous experiences with code were making games in Scratch, in pygame, and making a basic functional calculator in C#. I am so clueless as to how to begin to get better, so please do send any help if you have it. Especially if the offered advice helped you beforehand. My contact info is also in the about me.

On New Years, I got seven calendars and a tallass metal frying tub. Perfect to deepfry chicken FR FR, the stuff that came out were so crispy, yet so juicy. 10/10

I also played a bit of OneSHOT and saved only when Niko slept. Don't tell anyone else, but I also let him sleep for about six hours cuz I thought the meta narrative went that far LMAO. I took SO many screenshots I love them so fucking much. I am also 80% there to C++ in Balatro, and played Guilty Gear: Strive to my heart's content. Yoyo-ing into everyone's heart with a smile while draining the SHIT outta their HP. I wanna be THAT graceful in the close future. Bridget FTW. Terraria is also absolutely peak when playing with friends. Currently playing Master Mode with a distinguished gentleman, while streaming Master Mode with 3x Enemy AI and projectile speed to a skrunkle. Furthermore, I accessed Sekiro on another pal's PC, and GOD have I forgotten how low end my PC is. It only runs GGST because I have the Potato Mod turned on.

Plus me and The Ma'am shifted our belongings two floors up because of a miniature flooding. On the bright side, I like the general ambience there compared to the noises below. Give me birdsongs and the wings of dragonflies ANY DAY if it means less vehicles, terrible smells and crying children. The upstairs is truly one of life's blessings.

I finished all of what OneSHOT had to offer and added a cat to the site yesterday. Also made picked eggs and smacked fish, cuz YTF not. I have full reign on what I can or won't eat, and that means eating combinations unthought by man. The future holds me updating Vinyl's Takes, so stay tuned.